Monday, November 28, 2011

Loving Out Loud

Yesterday started day 1 of "Loving out Loud" a challenge of taming your tongue offered by Alisa Keeton of Revelation Wellness and Fitness. What a great way to start preparing for the birth of Christ this advent by choosing wisely what words to use to those around us. I have often needed to "tame" my tongue. I have Proverbs 31:26 posted on my wall in my kitchen which reminds me of the kind of mom, teacher, friend and person I want to be. "She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue!" Wisdom! Kindness! Teaching! What this means to me is that I model the "taming" of my tongue. For my family first since they are mostly the recipients of my untamed tongue. When i speak in kindness, it is the kindness that get's taught to my children by example rather than words. The Act of Random Kindness. And when my tongue needs taming ( and often I look at those words and see how much I have failed to speak kindly )~ I can soften, forgive myself and ask for forgiveness from the one who was cut by my unkind words. Modeling the failure and being the recipient of Grace are great teachers to my soul. My children extend grace and teach me how to be more loving, more patient, more present and more authentic! So even when I fail, I can be assured that God's Grace is at work in the hearts and minds of all around me. Including myself.

A valuable tool we use in our home is an apology. But not just the random "I'm sorry" that rarely has meaning attached to the angry giver. But the I'm sorry, will you forgive me?! apology!! Those last 4 words are even more important that the first 2. It heals both the one wronged and the one doing the wrong. And often it is reciprocated with the one being wronged, seeing where they may have had a part in the disagreement and saying they are sorry too! And will you forgive me?!

I can be assured that I will be tested often in the taming of my tongue. And maybe even more so now that I am putting it out there on this blog. Now i've got some accountability to hold onto. But i will choose to "Love out Loud" anyway and not only keep my tongue from harsh words, but to encourage! To offer Thanks and Praise to those around me. To see the good that is present in others and in myself. How often do I see my failures, and rarely see my goodness. The constant critic within my mind. So I let go of the "Should's" and rest in Grace. Because in truth, "It's all Grace" anyway! "My Grace is sufficient" says the Lord. His Grace! not my own! Thank goodness i have access to His power, His grace and His forgiveness. And Praises that it is greater than even my own imagination!!

So along with that taming, comes a journal of Thanks. Words of thanks spoken out loud and written down. Reminders of the goodness and Grace that is ever-present. Day 2 comes with gratitude journals. A renewal of my own, and the beginning of my children's. Something to do together. Inspired by Ann Voskamp and her blog Holy Experience. If you get a chance, take a look. Your heart will be lifted!

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